空野まなみちゃん 世界デビュー曲『Shiny Maple Leaves』2024.9.10リリース!

2022年10月 TOEIC SW受験レポート(12回目)

現状:Speaking 130, Writing 160
目標:Speaking 150, Writing 170

結果:Speaking 120, Writing 150




写真問題→There isは全部言い換える


Q1-2 音読問題

1 ◯ フードフェア
2 ◯ 留守番電話

→a,b,and c有り。簡単な内容。

Q3-4 写真描写問題

3 〇 中、男女。左、男、長い黒髪、青い服。ノートPCのコード作業。右、女、茶色い服、眼鏡。座って新聞を読んでいる。

This is a picture taken inside.
There are two people in the picture.

On the left side, I can see a man.
He has black long hair.
He is wearing a blue shirt.
He is using a code of his laptop.

On the right side, a woman is visible.
She is wearing a brown jacket.
She is wearing glasses.
She is reading a newspaper.

・何かを作業している→working on sometihng

This is a picture taken inside.
There are two people in the picture.

On the left side, I can see a man.
He has black long hair.
He is wearing a blue shirt.
He is using a cord of his laptop and working on sometihng.

On the right side, a woman is visible.
She is wearing a brown jacket.
She is wearing glasses.
She is reading a newspaper.

4 〇 外、男二人、車。左、男、青い服、作りかけの木の家の中。手を床。右、男、黒い服、黒い車の側。

This is a picture taken outside.
There are two people and a car in the picture.

On the left side, there is a man.
He is wearing a blue shirt.
He is crouching in the tree house.

On the right side, there is a man.
He is wearing a black shirt.
Next to him, there is a black car.


・being built →建物が作られてる途中

This is a picture taken outside.
There are two people and a car in the picture.

On the left side, there is a man.
He is wearing a blue shirt.
He is crouching in the tree house being built.

On the right side, there is a man.
He is wearing a black shirt.
Next to him, there is a black car.

Q5-7 応答問題

amusement park(遊園地)について

roller coaster(ジェットコースター)、●●

5 △ あなたの家の近くには何のアミューズメントパークがあって、いつ行きましたか?

What amusement park is near your house, and when did you go there?

The amusement park near my home is zoo. I went there last year.

6 △ アミューズメントパークでゲームを楽しみますか?

Do you enjoy playing games at amusement parks?

Yes, I enjoy playing games at amusement parks.
I like to play ball game and video game.

7 × アミューズメントパークは誰と行くのが好きですか?

Which of the following do you like to go to amusement parks with, and why?

I like to go to amusement parks with family
because I would like to enjoy with my family.
For example, I go to amusement parks with my children.
It is very fun.


If I have to choose, I’d love to go to an amusement park with my family.

First of all, my children like going to amusement park.
Unfortunately, I am busy.
So, I have fewer opportunities to play with my children.
That’s why they ask me to go out, I’ll do that.

Additionally, I am a big fan of amusement park.
My daily lives are so stressful.
In order to relieve my stress,
I usually go to an amusement park with my family.

Q8-10 図表問題


8 △ ●●さんのセッションの内容を教えて。

Sure, at 11 am, there is a session about XXX by ●●●.


9 ○ 自分のセッションの時間を延長して大丈夫? 名前は●●です。

Sure, yes, you can use that time.
At 10 am, XXX has been cancelled.

Sure, yes, you can extend your session.
At 10 am, XXX has been cancelled.

10 ○ ランチの後の午後のセッションを教えて

Sure, there are two sessions.
First, at 1 pm, there is a session about XXX by ●●●.
Second, at 3 pm, there is a session of YYY by 〇〇〇.

Q11 意見問題

11 × agree or disagree
You should change careers at least once in your life.

①earning money
②learning of business

I agree with this statement.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, it’s incredibly important to consider earning money.
For example, when I change a job from start-up to large enterprise, I can earn two times than previous job.

The other key point is learning of business.
In fact, I learn a lot of things in start-up, then I learn in large enterprise.

That’s why I agree with this statement.


・two timesの場合はasにする。two times as high salary as~.

I agree with this statement.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, it’s incredibly important to consider earning money.
For example, large companies tend to pay high salaries.
In my case, after I changed my job from a startup to a large enterprise, my salary increased by double for a similar type of legal work.

The other key point is learning of business.
In fact, I learn a lot of things in start-up, but I transfer jobs to a large enterprise. Then I also gained much more things than I was working in a start-up company.

That’s why I agree with this statement.


Q1-5 写真問題

1-5 〇 少し迷ったものあり。

walking, rain
A woman is walking in the rain.
→in the rain

asleep, since
A woman is asleep since she gets tired.

Q6-7 メール問題

6 〇 知り合い→知り合いに返信。あなたの会社の〇〇さんに面接に行くのでアドバイスが欲しい(advice×2, question×1)


Dear Manami,

Thank you for your e-mail dated May 5.

I am happy to answer your questions, and I would like to tell you two advice and one question.

First of all, she think time is very important. You should go to office early time than your interview time.
Also, the interview take place on fifth floor. You need to check the map there because fifth floor is complex.
Finally, do you submit resume regarding leagal license?

Should you have any other questions, please let me know any time.

Best regards,


Dear Manami,

Thank you for your e-mail dated May 5.

I am happy to answer your questions, and I would like to tell you two pieces of advice and one question.

First of all, she thinks time is very important. You should go to the office earlier before the interview time.
Also, the interview will take place on fifth floor. You need to check the map there because the fifth floor is complex.
Finally, did you include the information regarding your legal license on your resume?

Should you have any other questions, please let me know any time.

Best regards,


7 〇 社員→人事部に返信。ポリシー変更を見ました。テレワーク(telecommuting)に興味がありますので教えてください。(information×3)


Dear Manami,

Thank you for your e-mail dated June 20.

I am happy to answer your questions, and I would like to tell three things.

First of all, you can use telecommuting three days per every week.
Also, you can telecommute in your home only because of security of your laptop.
Finally, we offer your laptop, but you have to prepare wifi to connect the internet.

Should you have any other questions, please let me know any time.

Best regards,


Dear Manami,

Thank you for your e-mail dated June 20.

I am happy to answer your questions, and I would like to tell three things.

First of all, you can work from home three days per week.
Also, you can telecommute in your home only because of the concern about the leakage of the confidencial information.
Finally, we offer your laptop, but you have to prepare wifi to connect the internet.

Should you have any other questions, please let me know any time.

Best regards,


Q8  エッセイ問題

Do you think that all residents should attend all regular meetings regarding housing issues?

1 saving time of residents
2 saving money
3 your health 



There have been a lot of discussions and debates about whether or not all residents should attend all regular meetings regarding housing issues.
Although some people may claim that all residents attend regular meetings to protecting themselves from housing problems, I strongly believe that it is bad that all residents take part in all regular meetings regarding housing issues.

This essay will briefly touch on three reasons to support my view.

To begin with, it is highly important to consider saving time of residents.
For example, if all resident attend all meetings, it needs a lot of time.
However, all residents are very busy because of their work and take care of their children.
Then, all residents don’t have to attend the meetings.

Another key point is saving money.
In fact, if a lot of people attend the meeting, it costs a lot of money such as food and fee of electricity.

Finally, you have to seriously discuss your health as well.
To be more precise, nowadays, Covid-19 has been spread. It is dangerous that many people attend the meeting in the room. We have to do meetings with a small number of people.

It is true that some people may say all residents attend regular meetings to protect them from housing problems.
However, all residents only need to attend important meetings.

To sum up, for three reasons described above, saving time of residents, saving money, and your health, I conclude that it is bad that all residents attend all regular meetings regarding housing issues.


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