現状:Speaking 130, Writing 150
目標:Speaking 150, Writing 160
結果:Speaking 120, Writing 150
1文目がスムーズだとfirst impressionで少し上手く聞こえるし、時間に余裕ができる。
→量かもしれない 15秒 3文 30秒 9文~10文
3.弱点 竜頭蛇尾の時がある

Q1-2 音読問題
1 △レストランの紹介
2 ○交通案内
→ 難しい単語はなし。A,B,andC有り。
→ Q1-2は、声が大きすぎるのか、マイクが悪いのか、音割れしてしまうのが悩み。
Q3-4 写真描写問題
3 △外 建物の前 4人ぐらい 男が赤いピアノを調べている
This is a picture taken outside.
There are several people in the picture.
In the foreground, there is a man.
He is wearing a purple shirt and looking at red piano.
He has a red backpack.
In the background, there is a building.
It seems like a station.
・There isの代わりに I can see, ○○ is visible を使う。
This is a picture taken outside.
There are several people in the picture.
In the foreground, I can see a man.
He is wearing a purple shirt and looking at a red piano.
He has a red backpack.
In the background, a building is visible.
It seems like a station.
It’s an overcast day because I can’t see any shadows on the ground.
4 ○外 庭 男2人 左 本を見てる、右 ボトルを持って車にオイルを入れている
This is a picture taken outside.
There are two people in the picture.
On the left side, there is a man.
He is wearing a orange jacket and he is looking at a book.
On the right side, there is a man.
He is wearing a blue shirt, and holding a bottle.
Around them I can see many things such as a black car, a red hut, trees and more.
・There isの代わりに I can see, ○○ is visible を使う。
・二人目の時は、another manを使う。
・wearing→dressed inに変えてみる。
This is a picture taken outside.
There are two people in the picture.
On the left side, I can see a man.
He is wearing an orange jacket and reading a book.
On the right side, another man is visible.
He is dressed in a blue shirt and pouring oil into the car.
Around them, I can see many things, such as a black car, a red hut, trees, and more.
Q5-7 応答問題
5○ 最後にホテルに泊まったのはいつですか。 どこに止まりましたか。
The last time I stayed hotel was last year.
I went to Italy.
This hotel has good facility.
The last time I stayed at a hotel was last year.
I went to Italy.
This hotel has good facilities.
6○ ホテルをオンラインで予約するのと直接予約するのどっちがいいですか。
I prefer to make a resevation on the internet because it is easy to make a resevation.
7△ ホテルでどれが一番重要ですか(3択)
・Beautiful view from the window(うる覚え)
I think beautiful view from the window is most important
because I want to see good scenery.
For exmaple, I went to Italy last year.
I can see good scenery and I’m very happy.
That’s why beautiful view from the window is most important.
I think a beautiful view from the window is most important because I want to see good scenery.
For example, I went to Italy last year.
I could see magnificent scenery, such as beautiful mountains, trees, and blue sky.
I felt very happy.
That’s why a beautiful view from the window is most important.
Q8-10 図表問題
8〇 ○○が始まる時間は?、内容は?
Sure, it will start at 〇 am.
This is ○○.
Do you have any other questions?
9○ ○○gameはやりますか?
Actually, that is not correct.
○○game has been canceled.
Keep that in mind.
10 ○ ○○のイベントを教えてください。
Sure, there are two events.
First, on 日付, at ○○ am, there is イベント.
Second, on 日付, at ○○ pm, there is イベント.
Advance reservation is required.
Sure, there are two events.
First, at ○○ am, on 日付, there is イベント.
Second, at ○○ pm, on 日付, there is イベント.
In the second event, you need advance reservation.
Q11 意見問題
11△ agree or disagree
I agree with this statement.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it’s incredibly important to consider learning.
For example, you can see a lot things such as portrait, sculpture.
You can get good impression.
The other key point is your health.
In fact, you can walk in the museum.
So, you can fun and you can get health.
That’s why I agree with this statement.
・have fun 楽しむ。
・keep fit 健康を維持する。get healthy 健康になる。
That’s why I agree with this statement.
I agree with this statement.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it’s incredibly important to consider learning directly.
For example, you can see many things such as portraits, and sculptures, of course, online as well.
But if you see such a kind of artwork in person, you can learn about them more deeply.
You can more easily get a better impression.
The other key point is your health.
In fact, you can walk in the museum.
So, you can have fun and keep fit.
That’s why I agree with this statement.

Q1-5 写真問題
Q6-7 メール問題
Q6 店→顧客に返信。白いコート買った。良かった点、改良点を教えてください。(information×2 suggetion×1)
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 月日.
I’m happy to answer to your questions and I would like to tell three things.
First of all, I love this white coat because this coat is very pretty and it is hot when wearing.
Also, this coat’s sleeve would like to be more long because my arm is short.
Finally, why don’t you make a summer version? This is because I would like to wear summer dress.
Should you have any questions, please let me know anytime.
Best regards,
・sleeves, arms 2つ1組になるものは複数形で常に使う。
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 月日.
I’m happy to answer your questions and I would like to tell 2 good things and 1 suggestion.
First of all, I love this white coat because this coat is very pretty and it is hot when wearing.
Also, the sleeves would like to be longer because my arms are short.
Finally, why don’t you make a summer version? This is because I would like to wear summer dress.
Should you have any questions, please let me know anytime.
Best regards,
Q7 顧客→店に返信。お祝いのケータリング。おすすめの食事を教えて。
(information×2 question×1)
Thank you for contacting us.
Q8 エッセイ問題
Q8 advantges and disadvantages of excising outdoors
→280wordぐらい. 両方なので少し書きづらかった。
There are many advantges and disadvantages of excising outdoors.
However, I strongly believe that advantges of excising outdoors are a lot of things than disadvantages of excising outdoors.
I have three reasons to support my opinion.
To begin with, it is incredibly important to consider your health.
For example, I love to play soccer. I would like to run on a large field outside. I can breathe fresh air and refresh myself.
Thus, exercising outdoors increse your health.
Another key point is saving money.
In fact, exercise outside is free.
The money saved can buy quality food such as protein and fresh meat and vegetables.
On the other hand, gyms are paid for and expensive.
Then, exercising outdoors enable you to save money.
Finally, you have to seriously discuss the environment as well.
To be more precise, to exercise indoors, you have to build a building.
Building requires lots of facilities.
It causes environmental problems such as global warming and pollution.
Therefore, exercising outdoors don’t have environmental problems.
It is true that someone say we cannot excise outside in rainy days.
However, if it rains, we can enjoy playing soccer in different field.
To sum up, for these reasons described above, your health, saving money, the environment, I conclude that advantges of excising outdoors are a lot of things than disadvantages of excising outdoors.
・for exampleを入れる前に外で運動することはフレッシュなエアを取り込んだりできるという表現があるとよい。
・健康が向上する enhances, improves
・「基本的には」の表現 → tends to be free, generally, normally, commonly, sometimes, usually
There are many advantges and disadvantages of excising outdoors.
However, I strongly believe that advantges of excising outdoors are a lot of things than disadvantages of excising outdoors.
I have three reasons to support my opinion.
To begin with, it is incredibly important to consider your health.
Exercising outside allows you to take in fresh air and run around outside in a majestic way.
For example, I love to play soccer. I would like to run on a large field outside. I can breathe fresh air and refresh myself.
Thus, exercising outdoors enhances your helth.
Another key point is saving money.
In fact, exercise outside tends to be free.
If you seve money, you can buy high quality food such as protein, fresh meat and vegetables.
On the other hand, you have to pay for exercise in the gym, which is expensive.
Then, exercising outdoors enables you to save money.
Finally, you have to seriously discuss the environment as well.
To be more precise, to exercise indoors, you have to construct a building.
Building requires lots of facilities.
It causes environmental problems such as global warming and air pollution.
Therefore, exercising outdoors doesn’t have environmental problems.
It is true that someone says we cannot excise outside in rainy days.
However, if it rains, we can enjoy playing soccer in different field.
To sum up, for these reasons described above, your health, saving money, the environment, I conclude that advantges of excising outdoors are a lot of things than disadvantages of excising outdoors.
▼(おススメ本)TOEIC Writingにも使える、書き換えに特化した使い易い本!
