現状:Speaking 130, Writing 150
目標:Speaking 150, Writing 160
結果:Speaking 120, Writing 150
Speaking → 勉強不足が露呈。見たことある問題も多かったが、ゆっくりやってしまい、時間が足りなくなった。

Q1-2 音読問題
1 ○天気予報
2 ○銀行の留守番電話
→ 両方ともTOEIC LRのような典型的な文章。A,B,andC有り。
Q3-4 写真描写問題
3 △室内、服の試着、女性3人(真ん中→沢山の服を見てる、右→帽子を試着している、左→忘れた)、後ろに棚があっていろいろ飾られている
This is a picture taken inside.
There are three people in the picture.
In the middle, there is a woman.
She is wearing a blue shirt, and looking at many clothes.
On the right side, there is a woman.
She is wearing a gray blouse. She is trying a gray hat.
・There isの代わりに I can see, ○○ is visible を使う。
・二人目の時は、another womanを使う。
・wearing→dressed inに変えてみる。
This is a picture taken inside.
There are three women in the picture.
In the middle, I can see a woman.
She is dressed in a blue shirt and looking at many clothes.
On the right side, another woman is visible.
She is wearing a gray blouse and trying on a gray hat.
4 ○屋外 3人。同じ右方向に歩いている。右に男と女でスーツケース持っている。後ろに黒い車。速いスピードで右方向へ。
→they allで処理したが、少しスムーズでなかったかも。
This is a picture taken outside.
There are three people in the picture.
They all are walking same direction.
On the right side, there are a man and a woman.
They are having a suitcase.
In the background, there is a black car.
It seems like going high speed.
①Q3と同様、there is構文が多い
・in the same direction…inが必要。
・同じ方向を向いている:is facing in the same direction.
・haveは基本進行形で使えない→carrying, holdingを使う。
・seem likeの後は主語+動詞可能。
This is a picture taken outside.
There are three people in the picture.
They all are walking in the same direction.
On the right side, I can see a man and a woman.
They are carrying a suitcase.
In the background, a black car is visible.
It seems like it’s going at high speed.
Q5-7 応答問題
5○ 映画はどれくらい見ますか。どのジャンルが好きですか。
I go to theaters twice a year.
I like to see horror movies.
I go to theaters twice a year.
I like to see horror movies.
For example, I love Friday the 13th.
6△ Foodは買いますか。
Yes, I usually buy food when watching movies.
This is because I’m hungry.
Movie is often long.
・tend to be を使う。
Yes, I usually buy food when watching movies.
This is because I’m often hungry while watching movies.
Movies tend to be long.
7△ 映画のチケットはインターネットで予約しますか、シアターで買いますか。
I usually buy movie tickets on the internet.
I have a few reasons.
First of all, you have to consider saving money.
For example, if you buy tickets on the internet, it is cheaper than in the theater.
・It to構文を使う。
I usually purchase movie tickets on the internet.
I have several reasons.
First of all, it’s very reasonable.
For example, it‘s much cheaper to buy tickets on the internet than in the theater.
Additionally, we have to consider the convenience of buying tickets on the internet.
In fact, if you go to the home page of movie theaters, you are more likely to get the seats you’d like.
Q8-10 図表問題
8〇 場所はどこ?、最初の時間はいつ?
It will be held in 〇〇room A-17.
It starts at 〇〇 a.m.
・be going toも使う。
・時間余ったら Do you have any other questions?
It will be held in room A-17.
It‘s going to start at 10:30 am.
Do you have any other questions?
9△ 希望の職種○○は2人ですか?
Actually, that is not correct.
At 〇〇 p.m., ○○ has been canceled.
The first one is …(時間切れ)
・時間余ったら Keep that in mind.
Actually, that is not correct.
The 3 pm. interview with Mr. Spector has been canceled.
Keep that in mind.
10 △ 現在の勤務先○○の候補者を教えてください。
→とりあえず is をつけてしまう癖がある。
Sure, there are two applicants.
First, at ○○ a.m., there is 名前, who is desire 希望の職種.
Second, at ○○ a.m., there is 名前, who is desire 希望の職種.
There is構文は、固有名詞とのあまり相性が良くなく、基本的に、不定冠詞aとかan、初めましてのもので使う。
Sure, there are two applicants.
First, Mr. Spector is going to have an interview test at 10 am.
He desires to be in the legal department.
Additionally, Ms. Sorano will also have an interview test at 2 pm.
She hopes to be in the information system department.
Q11 意見問題
11△ agree or disagree 学生のpublic transportationをfreeにすること
I agree with this statement.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it’s incredibly important to consider saving money.
For example, stundents usually don’t have much money, free public transportation is better.
The other key point is convenience.
In fact, students have to concentrate on learning, if public transportation is free…
In my opinion, public transportation should be free for students.
I have two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it is really convenient for students.
For example, if they don’t have to pay money for public transportation, they can go around the city and learn a lot of things by visiting places such as museums and theaters.
Additionally, their awareness of the environment and ecology will increase.
In fact, using public transportation leads to protecting the natural environment.
Making public transportation free contributes to protecting the natural environment.
That’s why I think it is a very important idea and strategy for students.

Q1-5 写真問題
Q6-7 メール問題
Q6 スポーツ施設のファシリティとアクティビティを改良する。アクティビティの○○と、改良の希望を教えて下さい。(information×1 suggetion×2)
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for your e-mail.
I’m happy to answer to questions and I have three things to tell you.
① ヨガクラスが好きです。しかし、週2回開催して欲しい。
② 夜10時まで開業して欲しい。昼間は働いているので。
③ ランニングマシーンを利用できるようにして欲しい。(書いている途中で時間切れ…)
Best regards,
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for your e-mail.
I’m happy to answer the questions, and I have three things to tell you.
First of all, I’m into yoga lessons, but I’d love to have two lessons in a week.
Second, I’d like you to have lessons at night, especially until 10 p.m. because I work during the day.
Finally, I’d like to utilize treadmills because there is no place to run nearby.
Should you have any questions, please let me know anytime.
Best regards,
Q7 ルームの予約。お昼に○○ルームを予約したいです。どのように予約すればいいですか?(information×2 question×1)
Dear Ms.〇〇
Thank you very much for your e-mail.
I have two piece of information and one question.
① 〇〇ルームは予約可能です。
② メールに人数、時間を記載してください。
③ 食事は利用されますか。
Should you have any questions, please let me know anytime.
Best regards,
Dear Ms. Sorano,
Thank you very much for your e-mail.
I have two pieces of information and one question.
First of all, A Room is available.
Also, we need the number of people who are going to put up a room and your favorite time.
Finally, would you like to have meals from the hotel?
Should you have any questions, please let me know anytime.
Best regards,
Q8 エッセイ問題
Q8 agree or disagree
learning from life experience than from books.
→245word. 冒頭のひな形が上手くはまらなかったので、簡略化した。
①effective education…先に経験した方が効率的である。例えば、私はベンチャー企業で働いていたが、契約書の本を読んだが理解できなかった。仕事で契約書の仕事をして、その後、契約に関する本を読んだら理解できた。
②saving money…本を買わなくて良いのでお金を節約できる。今日ではインターネットで無料で情報収集ができる。